Set course towards Uhuru! – Message on the 62nd Independence Day anniversary

Happy Independence Day to you all country men and women, especially common citizens (peasants and workers):

It is of great importance to assert that as a nation, we have reached at least a step a head compared to the past decades and regimes which were characterised by tyrant and military oppression as well political and constitutional instabilities. I thank God for at least a small mile stone that we have achieved so far with in a period of 62 years.

However, on this 62nd birth day celebration, we have to pay attention to the true meaning and also think of a clear interpretation of the word “independence”. To a layman and according to the spirit in which it is celebrated, it means “self-governance” and its more explained at a political glance and hence this provides a smaller perspective to the concerned citizens and alternative views from the would be other side, and that’s none rather than “economic independence”.

So as we are celebrating political independence, its more of a necessity to talk about economic independence which in brief can be phrased in the following words. (To achieve an integrated, independent, resilient and self sustaining economy). And this relates to the one of the ten point programs the NRM government came with from the bush. So, to my opinion this was and is part of struggle of our first founding fathers like DR Apollo Milton Obote and had a vision in its fulfillment and this vision more so manifested in the 1969 “Common Man’s Charter” which was considered to be the first step and a guiding tool towards the attainment of both political and economic independence in general.

Ladies and gentlemen, the struggle for independence has never stopped, its spirit is still alive despite our reluctance, either due to ignorance or lack of will or other reasons which may be far fetched which may not be captured in this text. What’s so pressing is that, whenever some people dedicate their time to talk or write a bout independence, they speak or write in terms of being free from foreign rule and dominance. Which is true , but the question is Are these forces still a live in Uganda or not? The answer is very easy, either “yes” or “no”, but the ideas or arguments to support which side are you are very vital.

To recall, since 1894 when Uganda was declared a British protectorate up to 1962 at the sunset of colonial rule, Uganda as a whole tasted on the bad fruits and good fruits of colonial rule and due to some good reasons our founding fathers with the support of patriots and nationalists fought both ideological wars and non- ideological wars to attain independence and by 9th October 1962, Uganda achieved part of its common objective under the UPC-YK alliance and DR AM Obote was a prime minister while Kabaka Mutesa as the president. Thanks to these founding fathers.

But, as the relationship between the two continued to deteriorate possibly due to personal interests, nationalistic interests or tribalistic interests or due to either internal or external factors, erosion of Democracy, economic and political independence became inevitable and also the forces of power struggle, imperialism, tribalistic politics as well religious affiliated politics had to resurrect and as a result, peace and order ceased to exist.

For example, from 1962-1986 Uganda had already witnessed 8 governments just with in the period of 24 years where by 5 of them were unconstitutional but also the constitutional ones proved to be unpopular and highly perishable to the unfavourable environment of tribalistic and neo-colonialist politics out of all these governments, only Obote’s governments possessed the credentials to govern the country because they emerged through electoral democracy but others had seized power through the barrel of the gun and they were ruling on the barrel of the gun. Plus the NRM government which seized power in 1986 up to date for a period of around 38 years, no alternative or fundamental change of governance Uganda has witnessed.

Despite the fact that under this regime, the forces of absolute capitalism has shaped them selves and it has made it easier to penetrate its roots deep into the Uganda’s economy being fueled by the shameless corruption that has eaten up the all system. Oppression and exploitation of the nation’s human and non-human resources has proved to be the order of the day in the disguise of “fostering economic growth”, The economy has been fully liberalized , the private sector has been so much prioritised plus its “new born baby” Public Private Partnership, all these have worsened the economic life, economic freedom, economic democracy as well economic independence of the common citizen of Uganda simply due to week separation between the public sector and the private sector, public businesses and private businesses.

Through deliberate killing of the state economy in Uganda initiated by privatization of formerly state enterprises plus full implementation of the SAPs by the NRM regime has eliminated the spirit of socialism and collectivism which were one time believed to be the pre-requisites for economic independence.

All such in efficient and ineffective policies have set in a brand new “enclave economy” which is comprised of Chinese, Indians and a minority of Ugandans mostly in the administrative structure of the country who are most of the times driven by selfish and individualistic interests rather than common interests and common good. Because of this, the idea of “majority control over the government and economy” by common citizens was put into dust bin by this regime and it has resorted to minority control blended in the “new enclave economy “.

Those mentioned above has led to the self establishment of the big bourgeoisie class which is composed of pro-Chinese, Indians and minority citizens mainly politicians and big business owners, and all such forces are responsible for increased oppression, exploitation and suffering of the working class and peasants.

For instance, on regular basis public funds which are responsible for providing social services and necessities of life to the common citizens is swindled and diverted in broad day right and diverted into private businesses and private oriented activities of technocrats and political administrators. This form of misgovernance and extravagance has continually put the tax burden and debt burden on peasants and workers (common citizens) who face them in form of high cost of goods and services.

The workers and peasants in this case have no any other alternative rather than resorting to selling their labour in exchange for wages so as to earn a living though the price of labour is still very low bellow the minimum standards and the working conditions are unpleasant plus working for very long hours for very low payments. Amidst rising cost of living, peasants and workers have opted for accessing conditional loans so as to meet the basic essentials of life but not to invest on their own.

Therefore, this makes the common citizen to be enslaved in the life of depression and oppression and to live in unpleasant life and hence remains not dependent in the so called independent country.

In conclusion, the fight for “Uhuru” is endless and its broader than mankind can imagine as our founding father Dr AM Obote said and am quoting him: “Independence and sovereignty can not be shared” I here by call upon all peasants and workers, common citizens as well concerned citizens to wake up and move a step, wage a revolutionary struggle against any form of oppression and exploitation by demanding for their natural rights and freedoms as well what belongs to them.

All citizens should acquire both political and economic independence as well majority control of government and the economy.

