How to organize our study?

It is a truism to say: Marxism needs efforts to be studied. But that mere fact does not help, only concrete ways to organize that study help. Self-study can work, but it is mostly without structure. The best would be of course establishing Marxism courses or even an ideological school, like the UPC operates one. That needs a plan of course. First of all, the content of the study. We need to set up a curriculum suiting the Ugandan national

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Thoughts about the Language Question in Uganda

It is obvious that Uganda, despite its country name that is derived from Buganda, is not a national state of the Baganda. On Uganda these biblical words are not applying: “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language.”1 Instead Uganda is more like Babylon after the Confusion of Tongues2: There is no native language that could even closely claim to be a majority language. I agree with most points of Comrade Joseph´s important interview on fundamental questions.

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Interview with the Communist League of Uganda (January 2025)

Qn: 1 When have you been founded and what where the circumstances? On 2nd October 2024, we conceived the idea of establishing a strong communist party in Uganda based on the classics of Marxism-Leninism. And to achieve this in short term, was realised that it will be impossible due to the unfair prevailing political circumstances in the country, but can be a long term goal after full mobilization of the masses, giving political education and sensitization so as to raise

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Serving the people or serving the own pocket?

It is no secret that corruption is a big issue, not just in Africa but all over the world. This manifests in the mindset of only seeking to fill the own pocket instead of serving the people with the whole heart. Every Christian knows these famous words by Jesus: “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is

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Why Self-Criticism is vital

“We have the Marxist-Leninist weapon of criticism and self-criticism. We can get rid of a bad style and keep the good.”1 – Mao Zedong Already Paul wrote: “Test all things; hold fast what is good.”2 This idea, as we can see, goes very much along with what Mao said. It is a good principle to critically review practice and theoretical reflections, especially when it comes to oneself. There are comrades who have a hard time exercising self-criticism, they have the

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For an Organized Working Class! – Remarks on the prospects of trade unions in Uganda

Trade unions are no new form of organization in Uganda. The National Organization of Trade Unions (NOTU) is the largest trade union organization within Uganda and exists already for more than 50 years. But they are insufficient. They might have over 900.000 working people organized among their ranks, but only very few industrial workers. It is good that over 100.000 transport workers are organized in their ranks, over 160.000 teachers about 130.000 agricultural workers and more than 50.000 workers in

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Can the Workers and Peasants rule themselves?

There is that common cliché as if the working people would be incapable to rule and administrate themselves without the ruling exploiting class and pro-capitalist “experts”. It is true that the capitalists, feudalists and their “expert” servants know how to run a state according to their interests. But does that really mean that the workers and peasants would not be able to get organized to rule themselves? Lenin replied to such claims over a century ago: “We are not utopians.

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Science or Dogma?

We all know that Marx said about religion: “It is the opium of the people.”1 But this shall not be the main topic here. Instead the topic here shall be about cases where religion actively interferes negatively in the spread of scientific knowledge and cognition of the objective reality, the materialist world. There are some ignorant Christians that like to quote this verse by Paul against scientific cognition: “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.”2 They quote

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Social-Democracy or Socialism?

The UPC has one main ideological problem: It’s ideology is not very distinct from it´s main competitors NRM and NUP. I am not saying that the UPC would be the same in practice as the NRM or NUP, but at least in proclamations they are. According to the 2008 Constitution of the UPC the party is a “social-democratic party”1. The thing is that the NUP also claims to be a “progressive, social-democratic organization”2. Even the NRM calls itself a “social-democratic

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Is the South African Communist Party still on the track of Marxism?

On the African continent there are some communist parties as old as those in Europe and East Asia. The South African Communist Party (SACP) is one of them. Formally the SACP still upholds Marxism-Leninism to this day1. So are they reliable comrades of us? Before answering that question in final, the better question is: What is their understanding of what Marxism-Leninism is? There the answer is quickly found: The falsified, social-democratized understanding of the Khrushchev type. Nobody else than Joe

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