Interview with the Communist League of Uganda (January 2025)

Qn: 1
When have you been founded and what where the circumstances?
On 2nd October 2024, we conceived the idea of establishing a strong communist party in Uganda based on the classics of Marxism-Leninism. And to achieve this in short term, was realised that it will be impossible due to the unfair prevailing political circumstances in the country, but can be a long term goal after full mobilization of the masses, giving political education and sensitization so as to raise their political attention and consciousness about socialist principles and doctrines.
Hence coming up with a resolution of establishing a political pressure group first so as to carry on this task and its name was branded as the Communist League of Uganda (CLU). But we needed the platform to bring people with communist ideologies and feelings together, that’s why the Whatsapp group named “Communist Ideologies“ was formed on the 2nd day of October 2024 to share the Marxism and other vital communist literature and for conducting discussions and debates.
On 15th November 2024, the communist office was established in Mukono District (municipality) in Goma sub-county Nantabulirwa village.
The circumstances behind our formation is the prevailing poor working and living conditions that are generally in the country for the majority of the population, due to the efforts that have been initiated but have proven incompetent to address the existing conditions.
When we made a clear assessment on the political side of our country and how it is played, its played on unfair terms and conditions that support the unfair system of capitalist mode of production, that allocates resources in few hands of people in a country and the existing political parties both ruling and the so called opposition, do not differ in their ways of doing things, their ideological stance, manifesto and policy proposals. For instance, by most of them claiming to be social democratic political parties, they side line with the neo-liberal western type of politics that suggests for none rather than capitalism.
Henceforth by recalling the role of socialism in the processes of political and economic progress, borrowing a leaf from the Mao’s China and Joseph Stalin’s USSR, basing on the knowledge about the Common Man’s Charter by DR AM Obote, we found it necessary to have an alternative movement with completely an independent ideology of socialism from what’s existing currently in Uganda. Hence could be made firm by establishing the Communist League of Uganda which in long run can help us to achieve a socialist state in Uganda so as to improve the living and working conditions of all citizens and masses in an equitable manner.
Which role did the UPC play in your formation?
UPC first of all played a role as a role model party for the case of our formation. This is by the Common Man’s Charter which it is believed that most of its postulates were socialist in nature and aimed at making a socialist Uganda, and through this charter, we build our foundation while contextualizing it in the prevailing local environment by using it as a point of reference to some points.
The current UPC under Hon: Jimmy Akena has groomed us, one as potential leaders through the party ideology school and it is through these ideological engagements that we have been able to realise that the parent ideological stance of the first UPC of 1969 is not given attention at all hence having the desire to reclaim for the legacy of the founding father DR AM Obote of socialist Uganda by forming this movement.
Our major aim is to establish a revolutionary platform for liberation of the oppressed and exploited peasants, workers and poor people.
Qn: 3
How were the reactions by the people after your formation?
The people’s reaction is an average reaction because most people in Uganda both those in active in politics and outside of it lack knowledge about ideological politics. Very few people can dive deep into the discussions concerning ideological politics and give sufficient information.
But most of them are well aware and concerned about the worsening economic environment in the country and they are yearning for any efforts or initiative that can have promising results and on this grounds, when we transfer these principles and ideologies into the ordinary language they understand. They give us attention and pick interest to join, and all their reactions are positive. On the other hand, due to limited awareness about politics of ideology and that our politics is highly characterised by cheap propaganda, some bland this movement as being influenced by the “big people“ in the ruling government and due high pessimism in the country, some people out of ignorance react to our activities and campaigns in a negative ways like insults and not willing to listen to the message we deliver.
Qn: 4
What is your ideological outlook?
Our ideological outlook is socialism, based and guided by the classics of Marxism- Leninism principles and doctrines of collectivization of the means of production, planned economy and collective leadership as well with the classic ideas of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Chairman Mao and Dr AM Obote.
Qn: 5
How do you assess the current economic situation in Uganda?
Unsustainable growth
The current economic situation is not desirable, overall growth has been registered at an average of 6% a figure which communicates some improvement but in tangible results, the share of this growth is unfair. This can be seen in the high income inequality gap that exists between an average poor and an average rich Ugandan.
So the economy is growing but without the majority of the people in it growing, too much concentration of the biggest percentage of the country’s wealth and resources in the handful of foreign investors and the small group of politicians connected to them.
High income inequalities
There is no principle of meritocracy, social justice, fairness, equity and equality in the resource and wealthy allocation and distribution in the country. Despite the registered rise in the GDP in each financial year, the general cost of goods and services do not reduce, instead they rise unprecedentedly. The taxes also don’t comply to the rise in GDP (tax buoyancy) is still very low, and corporations tax contributes a lesser percentage to the taxes collected in the country.
Tax and debt burden
Most of the tax burdens and debt burdens are meet by the low income citizens in the country since all indirect taxes charged are reflected in the final cost of goods and services, the biggest percentage of our budget is allocated each financial year to the debt servicing in form of payment of interest rates and principal amounts yet such debt money is spent in an extravagant and wasteful manner which yields no positive returns in the current and near future.
Irrational expenditures
For instance, spending much of borrowed money and income from revenue on classified budgets in security and huge resource loss due to corruption does not allow this borrowed money to be spent rationally and most ministries, departments and agencies lack the principle of transparency and accountability.
This affects the service delivery, low expenditure is made on social service like in schools and health care and in the agricultural sector. The focus is put on security and on transport infrastructure but prices tend to be inflated due to the existence of weak institutions to deliver services in these sectors, hence this makes the cost of social services relatively high.
The huge current account imbalances and worsening terms of trade as well poor balance of payment position is making the county’s economy to be highly vulnerable to both internal and external shocks. This mainly results from high expenditure incurred on imports and of which the prices of these imported goods are unstable, inflationary pressures abroad and geopolitical tensions make planning difficult at the household level, firm level and national level very uncertain due to high volatilities in general prices of commodities purchased by the ordinary citizens in a country.
All the above reduces the purchasing powers of citizens, drains the foreign exchange reserves and makes it hard to meet the foreign exchange requirements of the country and definitely leads to a weak position of the Ugandan shillings on the foreign exchange market.
Qn: 6
What ideas do you have regarding industry and agriculture in Uganda?
(Also talk about the question of electricity and the environment)
Ideas about industry and agriculture
Agriculture being the back born of Uganda and for a while it has been a sector employing the biggest percentage of the population, it should not be ignored but to be prioritised prioritization should not end on paper just as the current regime is doing so where by the NDP III gives it as its priorities but when it comes to financing, it receives very low resources which can not finance the transformation of the agricultural sector from a peasant to a modernised and sustainable sector. For instance the government is still very far to meet the resolution of the Malabo convention that requires African governments to spend at least 10% of their budget into the agricultural sector.
We consider agriculture as the basis of transformation and sustainable development in Uganda given the fact that the section is built on the following pillars
Re-organising the sector
First of all collectivism. Collectivism can allow farmers to upgrade their individual small firms that relatively yield low output on the market to highly productive farms via the integration of modern technology in the agricultural sector. This is because the country gets low earnings from low output from agriculture because its mainly done on a rudimentary scale of production. Collectivism through farmer’s cooperatives can enable the government to avail collective services to the framers like the agricultural extension services, tractors, quality seeds and organic fertilizers as well through collectivism, the prices of agricultural inputs and outputs can be well regulated by the state and this allows stability in prices of agricultural in puts and out puts hence providing a favourable environment due to certainty in the sector.
Modern agriculture requirements
Technolizing agriculture require sophisticated and complex initiatives that require massive investments in research and development (R&D) and this requirement can be meet by the government. In the long run productivity in the agricultural sector rise, makes possible to meet the food requirements of the country and malnutrition crises are overcome, agriculture can provide the basic raw materials in the industrial sector through agro processing and the products of high value can be sold to the neighbouring economies for foreign exchange earning out of which we can be able to meet the foreign exchange requirements, create employment and further development through the forward and backward linkages.
Sustainability check up
But despite all the above, the agricultural sector has to develop in a sustainable manner. Whereby the type of inputs used like the quality of seeds and fertilizers applied on to the soil, should not drain the soils and should not alter the ecosystem. The unsecure land systems in Uganda has led to too much evictions which have prompted the squatters to encroach on nearby reserves (swamps and forests) and this have led to biodiversity loss, increased calamities, changes in seasons and relatively low rainfall received in a year yet our agriculture is highly fed on rainy water so the reluctance of the existing regime to curb these root causes, it has made the agricultural business in Uganda highly uncertain and registers low output year by year so the issues of environment and collectivization of agriculture in Uganda is an urgent call fir the current and future survival of the country.
Industry sector
Uganda’s industrial sector is growing at the promising pace but with a lot of challenges with the current government industrial policy target putting it above 35%, there is still much more wanting the industry can be one of the major sources of employment, revenues and earnings. For it being a vital sector, our industrial policy looks at establishment of state owned industries in the key critical areas of an economy that can ease planning by the state for better attainment of the planned economic system of production.
Prerequisites for a strong industrial base
The process of building a vibrant industrial sector can be traced by the investment in technology and the knowledge economy. Technology makes it possible to refine and process the minerals to be used in the primary and secondary as well as tertiary use levels in industries and also aid in converting these minerals into other final products for human consumption. And the knowledge economy supplies the workers with the required skills to invent and innovate technology and also to use this technology appropriately to produce goods so as to meet the basic needs of life in a country sustainably. This can help transform the industry sector from the light industries composition to heavy industries composition.
Investment requirements
These require first investment in knowledge, research and development which can induce technological innovation and inventions that can develop the capacity to process the available minerals, agricultural products and can be followed by raising funds for venturing in machine building and making up to precision production.
All these are to be achieved through a planned economic system that allows state ownership and control of the country’s resources and wealth.
Electricity and environment
The environmental degradation is an issue of concern. The energy requirements in the country are met mainly via electricity and biomass (charcoal and fuel), and the issue of developing sustainably calls for a question of environment, emission rates are rising and mostly in form.of carbon and methane. These arise from the development of industries which use appropriate technology like burning of fossil fuels. Here in Uganda there has been less efforts to halt environmental degradations due to weak policies and regulations.
Energy crisis in the country
Most people over 90% meet their energy requirements via biomass energy sources and in addition to the poor garbage management system, the environmental degradation is an urgent issue to address.
And our policy looks at reducing the cost of hydro electricity power from 1000Shs a unit to an average of 200Shs a unit and reducing the prices of the electric appliances possibly through investing in home industries to produce them locally and supply them on subsidized prices and by reducing the taxes on those imported from abroad.
This first of all reduces the number of people who use firewood and charcoal for cooking and other uses, and definitely reduces the level of carbonic emissions in the country’s atmosphere.
Need for massive investment in cleaner energy sources
The investment in cleaner energy sources like solar energy and geothermal electricity, sorting the issues of excessive garbage by developing technology that transforms garbage into other energy sources or fertilizers And also the restructuring of the industrial policy that establishes industrial areas in wetlands so as to save these swamps and industrial reserves. This requires knowledge, technology and resources that require state support and stakeholders engagements.
Qn: 7
Do you have a proposal to overcome tribalism in Uganda?
In Uganda the issue of numerous tribes and indigenous communities has been a challenge to the progress of this country. For instance according to the 1995 constitution, by 1st February 1926, there was over 65 indigenous communities, and the most complicated task is how to organise and mobilize all these into one community and form a nation possibly due to their influence in Uganda’s political activities and this makes politics to be biased on the side of identity politics, division according to tribes and this is part and parcel to the causes of divisionism in the country. The tribe mentality has led to the rise of tribesmen in the national politics but not nationalists and this has hindered progress for a while and being aware of this, we have the following proposal and this will promote proletarian internationalism and socialist patriotism for national unity.
We aim at eliminating the tribe mentality in the Uganda society and this will succeed through:
- (1) Community mobilization and sensitization whereby with the aid of progressive intellectuals in our movement we can educate our people in their respective communities that we are a one country, one people, one uganda and that’s the only way we can achieve unity to build a nation.
- (2) Ensuring the principle of social justice in allocation and distribution of the country’s resources is adhered to, this can remove the preferential treatment that is existing right now in Uganda on some tribes and historical facts shows that this started way back in colonial times. Through this efforts shall ensure that no Community or tribe is above another in terms of treatment and people are obliged to know that we are all the same and the requirements of one community are the same requirements of the other community as well the needs are the same so what’s necessary is to work together to achieve these needs in an equitable and satisfactory manner.
- (3) Balance of power. building a nation requires unity and unity can only be achieved where there is fairness in power distribution because power distribution affects resources distribution in Uganda. Balance power according to regions, tribes and districts or provinces first of all can be effected through appointments in the administrative jobs sector and political wing. This shall make people to feel the sense of ownership and shared responsibility in the fulfilment of the national policies and objectives and their support to government programs can be achieved from all communities without having the feeling that one tribe or any other is discriminated or left out during the distribution of administrative roles at the national level and local government level.
- (4) Encouraging and inducing ethnic mixtures possibly through integrating of various cultures that promote human dignity into national laws and policies this can instil the sense of inclusivity amongst all tribes and communities in Uganda, Ethnic mixtures shall also be promoted through inter marriages amongst tribes this can bring shared values, harmony and always speeds up the chance of reconciliation at all levels whenever conflict arise.
- (5) We aim at developing and adopting a common language from the numerous existing local languages in Uganda that can work as a national language and act as a bonding factor between various ethnicities in the country.
Qn: 8
How do you see the BRICS and the Belt and Road initiative?
View about the BRICS
In General circumstances I view the interests for the formation of this block as being both political and economical, but the would be good approach is to be formed basing specifically on economic interests on assumption that it is done on fair terms and conditions in a symbiotic relationship but not being biased in parasitic relationship whereby the rich countries becomes richer and the poor countries becomes poorer, this can not do away with the exploitation amongst the sisters countries in these blocks. Exploitation can manifest itself still in imperialistic tendencies where the natural resources of poor countries, both physical and human are exploited on a massive scale by richer countries and still ends up in a contest of “zero sum” game which is the principle of capitalistic nature of production. So any form of alliance would be better if it promotes balanced and inclusive as well sustainable development to all countries in the question be it poor or rich, developing or developed. Which is not the case in such alliances.
On the political side, the so called developed and rich countries such as Russia and others create these alliances to ease on the geopolitical tensions and cold war political pressure from other super powers like USA and her allies by spreading them to other vulnerable parts of the world, so the poor countries and less developed countries in this case become the “prey” and such as imperialistic wars start to break up in these vulnerable poor countries not to improve on their conditions but to satisfy the imperialist interests of the super powers. In my opinion I view all these as simply the simplified modern version of colonialism.
View about the Belt and Road Initiative
Based on the extrinsic perspective, most analysts claim that this global project is likely to increase global GDP and ease global trade by reducing the cost of global transport on trade activities. However, on another side of the coin, deep in the intrinsic analysis, we can not forget that China as the major funders of this project are driven by the maximum profit motive. This induces them to invest in global infrastructure by connecting these developing countries of east and west Asia and Africa as well so as to speed up the level of exploitation of the virgin and redundant natural resources both human and non human, we can also not ignore the quest for becoming a global superpower in getting this China has focused on the economic side by lending to these vulnerable countries beyond set threshhold standards so as to keep these countries in debt trap, vicious cycle of poverty and perpetual debts, so the economies of such countries can not develop the capacity to develop their own technology, skills and financial resources to extract their idle resources and sell them on the world market for a reasonable share value. Through such projects imperialistic countries like China get a chance to obtain such idle resources at a relatively low value.
Live example in Africa
Just like as historical facts shows that the British were induced to build the East African Railway way back around 1902 to connect the region and most especially its major mineral areas, not simply to develop the region but to easily the process of exploration and exploitation so as to accumulate wealth and repatriate it back to their home countries to create employment at home, facilitating industrial growth in the British land by supplying them with the required minerals from Africa and earning revenue for overall development of the British territory. Its can be seen as the modern version of what China is aiming to achieve through the BRI project in the long term, economic imperialism shall prevail in these countries which have subscribed to this project most especially the developing and poor countries because they don’t have the capacity to leverage a fair share from the global share values of such projects.
In conclusion, it is an imperialist project.
Qn: 9
What’s your stance regarding America, Russia and China?
Let me affirm that we are not sidelining with any of the above. But we know very well that we cannot operate in isolation, especially in this modern and technological era which has fueled an open economy system and globalisation. However, what is guiding or shall guide our relationship with any of the above is the form of respect and treatment they give to our national principles and values in relation to independence and sovereignty in all aspects of life, be it social, cultural, political and economical.
I reaffirm that we say no to all sorts of hegemony at national and global level, imperialism, neocolonialism and all systems that favour the capitalist mode of production. We are seeking for self-determination and we are ready to work only and only with those whose actions and support is in favour of our national socialist vision, goals and objectives.
Qn: 10
How could we comrades from the west help you to develop?
Offering activism and mobilization environment
For our fellow communist comrades in the West and our well wishers, we request that they be given space and a conducive environment in western countries to carry on mobilization work for Ugandan and African comrades abroad, carry on activism activities and movements and be allowed to show their dissatisfaction through peaceful demonstrations on issues concerning the state repression of our fellow comrades in Uganda by the existing regime.
Giving asylum and accommodation the victims of persecution
To our fellow comrades who manage to escape the iron hand of the existing regime that is anti-communist, we request that they be given accommodation and protected by your respective state laws to avoid them from being re abducted or deported back unwillingly and face the state repression.
Standing in solidarity with the communist movement in Uganda
Western solidarity through activism via social media platforms and other media platforms like newspapers, television and radio about any form of torture and violation of the rights and principles of this movement and all our communist comrades, supporters and well wishers can help in the achievement of this socialist objective in Uganda.
Knowledge and skill support
For better foundation, management and running of the firm communist movement in Uganda, we need skilled and knowledgeable comrades. This can be informed of sponsorships abroad, communist workshops, or receiving expats from the West to lecture the young comrades on the issues of a firm and strong ideology upon which the party shall be laid.
Through financial support
Financial resources are the pillar in our organization mobilization activities, projects and programs for ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in the operations of the communist movement, financial resources are necessary and we plan that shall be raised through putting in place organization projects whose products shall be sold on the fundraising events, through donations and grants also is one of the sources of funds to our organization so as to fund the projects that create impacts in the communities, help to achieve effective mobilization and definitely establish a socialist Uganda.
By comrade Sozzi Joseph
Chairperson of the Communist League of Uganda (CLU)
Long live socialism!